This is a feature that we'll be offering soon, but in the meantime please follow these steps below to setup the Google Analytics tracking code on your WordPress site:

1. Install and activate the "Google Analytics Dashboard for WP" plugin:

2. Once activated a menu should appear at the bottom left of your WordPress admin dashboard called "Google Analytics". Hover over that and then go to "General Settings", then "Authorize Plugin" and follow the steps.

3. Once you've authorized your account and selected a property, then click "Tracking Code" under the same "Google Analytics" menu and check the settings are setup to your liking (this should already be enabled and setup with your property already but just to make sure everythings setup) then click "Save Changes".

To confirm the tracking code has been installed please take a look at this:


- You can also take a look at some of the other tabs in the "Google Analytics Dashboard for WP" plugin e.g. "Exclude Tracking", if you want to exclude certain roles from being tracked.

If you have any questions, then please open a new ticket by emailing and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.