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How to Setup the Google Analytics Tracking Code on my WordPress site?
Using a new version of SkyStats?
Please check your version of SkyStats Lite or SkyStats Pro by visiting your Plugins page. If you have either:
1. SkyStats Lite 0.3.8 or newer, then please click here for the new instructions.
2. SkyStats Pro 0.3.5 or newer, then please click here for the new instructions.
How to Setup Google Analytics
On the Mashboard page, begin by clicking “Setup” on the Google Analytics card as shown in the screenshot. If you’ve already setup the Facebook integration, this process is mostly the same however feel free to follow this guide and review the screenshots if you’re unsure.
You’ll then be redirected to Google and asked to authorize the application to allow us to collect data for your profiles on your behalf. After reviewing this, click “Accept”.
You’ll then be redirected back to the Mashboard and once the Google Analytics card has loaded you’ll be presented with a list of profiles that you can select to collect data for, as shown in the screenshot. If you don’t see any profiles and/or are shown an error message saying no profiles found, you’ll need to login to an account that has access to at least one profile. To do this, simply click “Deauthorize”. This will remove any cached data belonging to your account and allow you to setup the integration again. Login to a different Google account, then repeat this process starting at step 1.
After choosing a profile to display data for, click “Save”. The card will flip over and we will begin fetching all available data for your profile.
You’ll now see vital information about your profile, presented both as a graph and as individual data points. You’ll be able to hover over the help/info icons for more information about what these data points mean and do.
The percentages below each data point will show you whether this value has increased or decreased since the last period. When you select a period e.g. from the 15th November 2014 until the 15th of December 2014, we calculate the amount of days between these two dates and use that as the previous period. For example, selecting the above period will mean we will also collect data from the 15th of September 2014 until the 15th of October 2014, and use that to compare with the period you selected so we can show you whether the values have increased or decreased. The percentage changes are also color coded to show you whether they increased (green) or decreased (red). Sometimes a negative change is a good thing, so some data points may be green but displayed as a negative change. For example, in the screenshot you will see that the Bounce Rate has decreased by 6% since the last period but because the Bounce Rate shows the percentage of users who exited your site after viewing the first page, this is a good thing. This means users are visiting other pages on your site before leaving. -
If you want to show or hide a data point, click the grid icon at the top right of the card, left of the settings icon, as shown in the screenshot. When you’re finished showing or hiding data points, click the icon again to hide the popup.
If you’d like to see data from a different period in time, click on the date boxes just below the logo to enter a start and end date. Once you’re finished, click “Update”, as shown in the following screenshot. In the screenshot, we select the 15th of November 2014 as our start date and the 15th of December 2014 as our end date. A loading icon will be displayed and the chart and data points will be temporarily hidden whilst we fetch the data for this period. Once this has finished loading, your new data will be displayed. Please note that Google is only able to display data on or after January the 1st, 2005.
If you’d like to select a new profile to display data for, please follow these steps:
Click the settings icon at the top right of the card as shown in the following screenshot.
Select a new page from the drop down menu and click “Save”. The card will flip over and a loading icon will be displayed whilst we fetch data for your new page. Please see the following screenshot for further information.
Click the settings icon at the top right of the card as shown in the following screenshot.
Click “Deauthorize”, as shown in the following screenshot.