In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up a custom background image/logo (and other personalizations) using the "settings" page.
This is valuable because when users view the dashboard / mashboard they will see your brand front and center! This is one of the primary values of SkyStats Pro for a reseller.
See below for an example of the final product after rebranding.
Brand Name
The brand name can be anything that you want to use for the titles of the SkyStats pages, including: your brand name, a clients brand name, or a custom name such as “John’s”, which would make the title of the Mashboard page “John’s Mashboard”. Please see the following screenshot for more information.
Brand Menu Name
The brand menu name can be anything just like the brand name however they are usually the same or similar. The brand menu name is the name of the SkyStats menu in the WordPress administration dashboard. Please see the following screenshot for more information.
Brand Logo Image
The brand logo image is the URL of the image that you would like to use for your logo. The logo is the image that is displayed at the top of each SkyStats page. You can either enter a URL to the logo in the box, or click the “Upload Image” button below the box to upload one from your computer. If you’re uploading an image from your computer a loading icon will be displayed and will be hidden when the upload is finished. After entering a new URL or after the loading icon has been hidden, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save Settings”. You’ll also be able to click “Reload Page” to reload the page automatically to see your changes. Please see the following screenshot for more information.
Brand Background Image
The brand background image is the URL of the image that you would like to use for the background of each SkyStats page. You can either enter a URL to the background image in the box, or click the “Upload Image” button below the box to upload one from your computer. If you’re uploading an image from your computer, a loading icon will be displayed and will be hidden when the upload has finished. After entering a new URL or uploading the image from your computer, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save Settings”. You’ll also be able to click “Reload Page” to reload the page automatically to see your changes. Please see the following screenshot for more information.
Brand Background Color Hex Value
The brand background color hex value is the color (in hexadecimal format) of the background to be used in the following scenarios:
If a background image is not used, the background color will be used instead.
If a user is viewing any of the SkyStats pages on a mobile, tablet, or desktop browser and the window size is below 500 pixels, the background color will be used instead.
If you’re using WordPress version 3.5 and upwards, you’ll be presented with the native WordPress color picker when selecting a color. If you’re using an earlier version, you’ll be presented with a different color picker for selecting a color. This is due to the fact that the native WordPress color picker was introduced in WordPress version 3.5.
The following screenshot demonstrates how to set/change the color using the native WordPress color picker on WordPress versions 3.5 and upward.
The following screenshot demonstrates how to set/change the color using the fallback color picker for WordPress versions below 3.5.
Role Access
This allows you to select a role which is allowed to access the SkyStats pages. On the drop down menu, if there are any roles above the selected role, they will also be able to access the SkyStats pages. For example, selecting Administrator will only allow Administrators to access the SkyStats pages. Selecting Editor will only allow Editors and Administrators to access the SkyStats pages. Please see the following screenshot for further information.
Default Dashboard
This setting allows you to set where you would like users to be redirected to when they login. The options are:
SkyStats Mashboard - users will be redirected to the Mashboard when they login and if they have permission.
WordPress Dashboard - users will be redirected to the WordPress dashboard or the page they were trying to access if they have permission.
This setting allows you to set whether you would like to enable caching or not. If caching is enabled, this means that any data that is retrieved for your accounts will be saved in your database, which is good for the following reasons:
Local cached data will generally be a lot quicker as there are a minimum amount of checks that need to be done and there is no need to request the data from the services like Google or the need to worry about filtering any of the data before sending it to the plugin to be displayed for you.
If there is ever any problem with fetching the data from a service like Google, then we’d be able to use the cache if it is available and caching is enabled.